No route to host
Our address is 11607 M Circle, Omaha, NE 68137. Click the blue address to see a map.
When you pull into our parking lot, turn on your car flashers to let us know you're here for the first time! We have a team of people who will guide you to reserved parking spaces.
We've got so many friendly faces who are happy to help you find your way around...including checking your kids into programming. Look for Hosts in blue lanyards or people at the Check-In kiosks. They'll show you what to do.
We know it's important and it's on us! Head to our coffee bar in the upper lobby area to get a free cup.
If you're a first time guest, filling out a registration form will help your visit run smoothly. We have a safe and secure check-in process to keep your kids safe while they learn about Jesus.
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